
Reds Housing has vacancies across the Birmingham Area in high standards of supported accommodation

We look to agencies to refer individuals in need of accommodation and we have a simple process in order to allow this to occur.



The Referral should have:

  • N.I Number
  • Active Benefit Claim (if coming out of prison we can help set this up on acceptance of referral)
  • Meet a Low – Medium Risk Criteria


Fill in Referral form (Find Below) and send to

Receive a Response from Reds Housing

If accepted confirm details as to when referral can come to Reds Housing office address for a face to face risk assessment

Referral arrives at the office and a 15 minute interview is conducted with them

Referral is taken to an allocated property to be housed by a member of support staff with a licence agreement and keys being handed to them instantly

Feedback is given to the referring agency to confirm the address that the referral has been housed at

The individual is allocated a support worker who supports them in their needs and guides the individual into independent living

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